Key Man Insurance

Have you ever considered how you would protect your business if something were to happen to one of your key employees? Luckily, key man insurance is designed to step in should that situation arise.

What is Key Man Insurance

Key man insurance is an insurance policy that protects the business in the event of the death or disability of a key employee.

A key employee is someone who is vital to the operation and success of the business, often a founder, owner, or top executive. In the event of their loss, key man insurance can help cover the costs of finding a replacement, lost income, and any debts or obligations the business may have.


How Does Key Man Insurance Work?

The business purchases the policy and pays the premiums, and in the event of a covered loss, the policy pays out a lump sum to the business.

This money can be used to cover any payroll or operational costs necessary to keep the business running smoothly in the aftermath of a key employee’s loss.

Key man insurance policies can be customized to fit your business’s unique needs and can provide a valuable safety net in times of crisis.

Why Choose Key Man Insurance?

Every company has key employees whose loss could have a significant impact on the business.

Not only can key man insurance help cover costs in the event of their loss, but it can also provide peace of mind to business owners, knowing that they have a plan in place to protect their company’s future.

It’s also worth noting that key man insurance can be a valuable asset when seeking financing or investors. Lenders and potential investors may look more favorably on a business that has key man insurance in place, seeing it as a sign that the company is protected against unforeseen events that could impact its success.


Uniserv Insurance Services: Key Man Insurance in Southern California

Key man insurance is a valuable coverage that all business owners should consider. It can provide a safety net in the event of the unexpected loss of a key employee and even help secure financing and investments.

If you don’t currently have key man insurance, contact our insurance professionals today to learn more about how it can protect your business’s future.

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Whether you need a free quote or want to discuss your insurance needs, we are here to help. Fill out the contact form on this page and we’ll be in touch shortly.


888 698 6456



8175 Limonite Ave,
Riverside CA 92509