Group Life Insurance

Group life insurance is a benefit offered by an employer or organization to its employees or members. Keep reading to learn more about what group life insurance is and how it works.

What Is Group Life Insurance?

Group life insurance is a policy that covers a group of people under a single contract. The members of the group may be employees of a company, members of an organization, or any other eligible group of individuals.

The employer or the organization arranges for the group policy and pays the premium cost. In most cases, the employer offers group life insurance as part of its benefits package to attract and retain employees.

Since the insurer is dealing with a group of people, the risk is spread out among the members, making group life insurance more affordable than individual policies.

The cost of insurance is typically lower for group plans since the insurance company can negotiate lower rates based on the higher number of policyholders. The premiums are usually deducted from the employee’s paycheck, making it easy and convenient for them to pay.

What You Need To Know About Group Life Insurance

This type of insurance does not require medical underwriting like individual insurance policies. There is no requirement for a medical exam or history to be submitted, and the application process is straightforward.

The coverage provided is usually a multiple of the employee’s salary, ranging from one to three times the salary.

A group life insurance policy is a term policy that covers the policyholder for a certain period, often until their retirement or end of employment.

In most cases, the coverage terminates when the employee’s employment ends, but many employers offer the option to convert the group policy into an individual policy.


Uniserv Insurance Services: Group Life Insurance in Southern California

Group life insurance is an affordable and easy way to get life insurance coverage. It is generally less expensive than an individual policy and provides an adequate amount of coverage.

Many employers offer group life insurance as part of their benefits package. If you are looking to protect your workforce, contact us today. We stand ready to answer your questions and help you build a policy that meets the needs of your organization.

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8175 Limonite Ave,
Riverside CA 92509