Accident Insurance

Accidents impact not only your physical well-being, but also your financial health. To protect yourself and your family, one of the best things you can do is to get accident insurance, also known as personal accident insurance.

What is Accident Insurance?

Accident insurance is designed to provide financial support to individuals or their families in the event of an accident that results in death, lost limbs, permanent disability, or hospitalization.

Also known as personal accident insurance, it can be purchased as an individual policy or as a rider to a life insurance or health insurance policy.

Many accident insurance policies also cover accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) benefits.


What Does Accident Insurance Cover?

Accident insurance can cover various types of expenses, depending on the policy. The typical benefits of accident insurance may include the following:

  • Hospitalization expenses
  • Medical expenses
  • Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) benefits
  • Loss of income or disability benefits
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Transportation expenses
  • Accidental death benefits

Additionally, some policies also provide coverage for funeral expenses in the event of an accidental death.

What Isn’t Covered by Accident Insurance?

Although accident insurance covers many different types of expenses, it won’t provide benefits for every type of accident.

Some injuries aren’t covered by accident insurance, such as those caused by an illness, suicide attempt, or self-inflicted injury. Moreover, accident insurance won’t cover expenses related to activities that the policy doesn’t cover.


Uniserv Insurance Services: Accident Insurance in Southern California

Accidents can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. When they occur, they can cause severe physical injuries that can result in long-term treatment, hospitalization, or even death.

To prepare for these kinds of unfortunate events, it may be in your best interest to invest in accident insurance. Accident insurance can protect you and your family from unexpected medical expenses and financial losses.

Before you decide to buy accident insurance, make sure to evaluate your needs and compare different policies to find the best one for your unique situation. If you need help making sense of your options, contact our experts at Uniserve Insurance Services today.

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888 698 6456



8175 Limonite Ave,
Riverside CA 92509